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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 29, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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get ready for another ticker tape parade. of this the scene in 2010. it will be much of the same on wednesday. team coverage of the giants big win is coming up next. >> laura was part of that parade last year. will it happen again? stay tuned for that. temperatures today are going to be comfortable, 80s inland, 70s bayside, upper 60s at the coast. we're tracking a very strong hurricane sandy and some rain on the way here. that's coming up. and fog already here affecting many of your drives throughout the bay. i'm watching your commute showing you what you might not be able to see. and taking a live look outside. a little tough to see in san francisco, but i bet a lot of people waking up with sore throats from all that cheering. orange october, monday, october 29th, this is "today in the bay." good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. jon kelley has the morning off.
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as we've been reporting all morning long, the giants are the new world series champs. the big story this season is redemption. pitcher barry zito did it in game one, erasing all this is past failures with a huge win over detroit. and last night pablo sandoval completed his path to redemption, going from bench warmer in the 2010 world series to 2012 world series mvp. today in the bay's lawrence scott is live in detroit this morning. he caught up with sandoval and the rest of the guys during the locker room celebration. good morning, lawrence. >> reporter: hey, good morning, laura. it was tremendous. the game was dramatic. it was a wonderful evening here in detroit. and then the real fun, inside the clubhouse where it was mayhem. let me show you something here. let's call it a champagne assault. check it out. >> oh, that's cold! oh! >> you did it! >> that's a great mentor to be
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sprayed by. >> you know, a very competitive team, and all my teammates, they taught me a very good lesson, how to be a winner. i'm sure i'm going to be a better player from now on. this is unbelievable. i can't explain it. >> congratulations. get back to it. thank you, my man. >> reporter: that sparkling wine from napa, tremendous. the entire scene was a giant blast. a great way to celebrate. this team deserves to celebrate. in 2010 they were the band of misfits. this time around they were the team that would not be eliminated and partying deep into the night but starting there in the clubhouse. we'll have much more coming up in just a bit. >> i bet you reek of champagne this morning. thank you very much, lawrence. you know, the giants won't be back home until later this afternoon but that's not stopping fans from showing their support.
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bob redell joins us live outside at&t park where giants fans were lining up hoping to greet the team. >> reporter: good morning, laura. maybe within the past hour we had about 30 or 40 out here. now you've got a few and i don't know if they have gotten the news that the giants are not arriving to sfo until 3:00 this afternoon. this is information we have confirmed through the airport. so that means they probably wouldn't ender here at at&t park until 3:30 or 4:00. they are definitely the most popular people in town. the second most popular person the guy who drives the "san francisco chronicle" newspaper truck. here he is about an hour ago where fans swamped him to get their hands on a nice piece of memorabilia. i'm talking about the "chronicle" paper with the headline "giants sweep!" >> this is the kind of team that you would want to watch because they show you rules are meant to be broken. it's not meant to just happen in
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a certain way. everything happen for a reason and -- >> what i love about this team is we don't have that derek jeter or whatever you want and there's a different hero every day. and we've needed every one of the players. you know, we honestly couldn't have done it without all of them. >> reporter: you'll recall in 2010 the ticker tape parade. it actually wound through downtown sf. this time it's going to be a little bit different. we heard from the mayor's office last night and the plan is for this wednesday at 11:00 a.m., it will start at the bottom of market, head up market and take a right and go to the civic center plaza where we imagine there will be some sort of celebration. so starting at the bottom of market, we're assuming justin herman plaza or maybe the cable car end point in front of the hyatt. that's where it's going to be. 11:00 a.m., ticker tape parade down market to the civic center plaza 11:00 wednesday morning. reporting live here at at&t
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park, where we should see the giants around 3:30 or 4:this chb a, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> we'll have continuing coverage of the giants world series win all morning long. be sure to stay with nbc bay area, especially on wednesday, where we'll have live coverage of that celebration parade. all that partying lasted into the early morning hours across most of the bay area, but things certainly got out of hand in san francisco with fires, injuries, even the s.w.a.t. team called in just to restore order. christie smith joins us live in san francisco with a look at the damage from all the celebrations. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. we're on the other side of at&t park from where bob redell was standing. now and then we still see fans wandering around with their giants gear on but overall much quieter than it was earlier. the streets are wet this morning because the department of public works has been spraying water and screening up all the debris left in the streets after some celebrations went too far. there's actually a sign there, that's an information sign, that
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was pushed over after fans were celebrating that amazing world series victory. people set small fires in garbage cans and dumpsters. they were dancing, screaming, yelling, in some cases getting up on buses. couple of cars turned over, people jumping on cars. this going on from the ballpark all the way up market street. san francisco police came out in helmets came out to try to control this crowd but that was a tough thing to do because there was so many people out here celebrating. some people say that wasn't fans celebrating, that was just people taking an opportunity to do what they shouldn't do. some people had their windows broken out. we spoke with one woman about how this turned sideways. >> you can celebrate the giants, that's fine. it's good that they won the world series. but why do you have to throw things into buildings? i don't understand. >> reporter: now, in the mission district people set dumpsters and garbage cans on fire between
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16th and 24th. san francisco police and fire lined the streets to try to keep control of the crowds. fans carrying brooms symbolizing a sweep of the tigers. we have calls into san francisco police about exactly how many people were arrested. bob mentioned a lot of folks carrying these around this morning. the newspaper headline the giants sweep in the chronicle but i also want to show you the paper from tent 20. the giants win it! so certainly getting used to this here in san francisco. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much. well, while the giants world series win is a top story here, on the east coast hurricane sandy making all the headlines. sandy is gaining strength as it heads toward the east coast. we've got a live look at times square this morning, a virtual ghost town all because of sandy. evacuations are under way in the big apple and a number of other major cities on the east coast. mass transit, schools are closed, just so people can flee.
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wall street has also shut down for the first time since the september 11th attacks. that certainly gives you an idea of just how bad this storm is expected to be. and thousands of flights to and from the east coast this morning also cancelled for the day. that icausing big problems this morning right here in the bay area. marla tellez joins us live from sfo with a look at just how bad things are expected to be. a lot of people stranded out there, marla? >> reporter: laura, good morning. they certainly are but, you know what, they are handling it pretty well with a smile. we'll show you a few of their reactions in just a bit. cancelled certainly is the word of the day here at sfo with more than 150 flights already cancelled and it's just after 6:00 a.m. most of these flights are bound for the east coast. no airline is immune with american, delta, alaska, u.s. airways and jetblue all showing cancelled flights. departing flights to jfk in new
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york, boston, baltimore, newark, and washington, d.c. have been cancelled. affected passengers are telling us the airlines are handling hurricane sandy well giving most of them a reasonable heads up that their flight has been redirected or cancelled altogether so passengers are making the most of it. >> you were affected by hurricane sandy some. >> yes. the conference i was going to in d.c. was called off. >> you just found this out this morning. >> late yesterday afternoon. >> so now what? >> change of plans and going on a vacation instead. >> reporter: hey, that's not that bad. where are you off that? >> augusta first and then savannah. >> we were supposed to go from san francisco to new york to tel aviv. now we're going san francisco to detroit to london and then tel aviv. >> reporter: now, sandy has already left its mark on parts of north carolina. video shows rising tides that are eroding beaches and flooding
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homes. that all happened about 30 miles north of wilmington. back here live, it is business as usual at sfo unless you have plans to head to the east coast. the best advice we can give you is check with your airline before you make the trek to the airport this morning. live at sfo, marla tellez, "today in the bay." >> good advice, thank you very much, marla. the size of the storm is what's incredible. >> it is. 1,000 feet wide. let's go ahead and show you because nothing puts it in perspective like our satellite imagery. you don't have the reds, oranges and yellows. that's not all we're dealing w you'll notice pinks and blues. we have blizzard warnings prompted by hurricane sandy. what happened is a very, very powerful nor'easter merged with this category 1 storm and right now we are bearing for very, very dangerous conditions along the eastern seaboard that will be prolonged. right now we're talking about a record storm surge in the ballpark of 7 to 11 feet.
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that means the water will be 7 to 11 feet higher than it traditionally does. one of the reasons why is because the timing of sandy is corresponding with peak tide. we've got a full moon out there. right now it's expected to make landfall 125 miles south of new york city and that's going to make for some very dangerous conditions in new york city. we're expecting landfall along the new jersey shoreline as we get into late tonight, early tomorrow morning. just to put this into perspective for you, 7 to 11 foot storm surge, when we had irene and that was very damaging, that storm surge only went up to 4 feet, so we could see double, potentially triple the size of the storm surge that we dealt with when it came to irene. for us locally, we have a much better scenario to look forward to. highs are going to be nice and comfortable. right now visibilities are dropping off. we've got thick pockets of fog in santa rosa, napa, even concord has one mile visibility. 80 degrees inland, 70 bayside. at the coast a comfortable 69,
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70 degrees as our boys come home to san francisco, so we're looking good there. let's find out how good we're looking on the drive. >> there's not a lot offin dents reported but a big warning for folks. here's the bay bridge toll plaza. they turned on the metering lights. it's a little slower across the span. also you can't make out the east shore freeway, but we'll show you the maps. look at this orange, that's where fog may be thick enough to affect your speeds. you know what, i think they're excited about the win for the giants so my maps too are showing a lot of orange showing the fog there. back to you. >> everywhere you look, you've got to see orange. thank you very much. 6:12. coming up, san francisco certainly glowing orange this morning, waiting for their new world series champs to come on home. we've got team coverage of the big win all morning long. and as laura mentioned, the storm causing all kinds of chaos on the stock market. we'll take a look at what's going to happen coming up in business news.
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[ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel.
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pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. woman:h! tully's. how do you always have my favorite coffee? well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee and even hot cocoa. and you'll always find your favorite. woman #2: with so many choices, keurig has everyone's favorite. i just press this button.
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brew what you love, simply. keurig. good monday morning to you, 6:15. time for a check of the day's top stories. they must be giants. the g-membership beat the detroit tigers on the road to become the world champion for the second time in three years. the tigers gave the giants a scare pushing the game to ten innings, but in the end the giants came out on top. sergio romo striking out miguel cabrera to clinch that title. hurricane sandy staying on a predicted path towards washington, baltimore, philadelphia and new york. meteorologist christina loren says that storm is on a collision course with two other weather systems, expected to create a superstorm with the potential for havoc over 800 miles from the east coast all the way to the great lakes. nearly 400,000 people have
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actually left new york city. subways, bridges, items in and out of manhattan are closed. scott mcgrew continues our coverage. scott, for the first time in more than a decade, exchanges are shut down as well. >> that's right. the last time was the september 11th attacks, so pretty good indication of how serious sandy is. the new york stock exchange, the nasdaq came to an agreement last night, late last night, to close today, possibly tomorrow as well. the people you see here, the market makers on the floor of the new york stock exchange, just simply can't make it into work today because as laura points out, there are no trains moving in new york city. now, truth be told, in 2012 most trades are electronic, they don't involve human beings, therefore, they're relatively immune to the storm. but if we say the markets are 98% electronic, that still leaves 2% that isn't. so the things like the lack of order confirmation, clearing houses, that would be enough to throw things off pretty badly, so they are closed.
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several companies, including google, have cancelled press events. google was to announce a new phone this morning in new york city. that is not happening. microsoft will show off new windows phones in san francisco today. that was to be a big news item and that's still scheduled. but you know what, laura, they didn't quite count on giants. >> how could they not? >> there may be some distraction there for microsoft. >> no kidding. let's take a look at our local forecast. pretty nice this week? >> a little rain expected but the good news is it looks like it's going to rain after that parade. >> no one is going to rain on our parade. >> you're right about that, laura. good morning, everybody. temperatures are running cool. you'll probably need to break out the jacket but you can peel it off by about noon. inland highs today will be in the low 80s in places like livermore. we've got to get through this fog. we have a fog advisory in place not just for the coast, your inland valleys as well are dropping off.
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we're finding the deepest pockets are up in santa rosrosa. the marine layer is getting forced right to the surface by high pressure that will warm us up for the final day before things start to change. we're at 55 in san francisco. south bay 56 in san jose. our next weather maker arrives right on time after that parade. 7:00 p.m. on wednesday. this is what we're expecting, our first showers start to move into the north wbay. wednesday is halloween. it's going to be misty, drizzly and a lot of fog. look what comes in thursday morning. we've got a lot of rain to get through. we do need the rain but you want to plan on giving yourself extra time thursday morning and friday will likely be a wet one as well with aftermath and residual showers. mike and i will be here to guide you through it. 80 in livermore, 74 in redwood
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city. highs today 80s tomorrow, upper 70s by wednesday the cold air arrives and drop to the low 70s inland. 65 bayside. about 62 degrees at the coast on halloween. you want to think about warm, maybe rainproof costumes if you can. on the weekend we'll warm you back up and bring that sun out. we are tracking the forecast and intensity of sandy. we'll talk about some of the interesting components of this storm and why we're expecting so much damage when it's just a category 1 storm. that's all coming up. first let's which can your drive and say good morning to mike inouye. >> good morning to you. we're looking over here to 101. you see this burst of traffic and the build for 101 north of 680. the map, here is how it translates heading north. you can see that slow stretch and it's sticking around. 87 now shows slowing from kurtner into down do you know and right around the
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interchanges also shows slowing. 85 now just over the last five minutes shows speeds coming down into the 50s heading up towards saratoga so there's the start for that slowdown as well. 680 southbound coming down here around the golf course, we're seeing taillights slow quite a bit. lower visibility, slower speeds, that's advised. fremont, it's tough to see here as well. here's southbound past the sign. you can't even see the light-up here at the auto mall. then we'll end with a peninsula shot. be careful. the bay area certainly waking up this morning as home to baseball's world champions. today in the bay's lawrence scott is live in detroit. he talked to the architect of the team. good morning, lawrence. >> reporter: hey, good morning, laura. you know what, with all great teams, everybody wants to be a contributor. you think of all these stories that follow this giants team. one of them is a great one of
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redemption. i want to show you a very special scene in the clubhouse after the giants won the world series. it's barry zito and the giants president and ceo taking a moment to talk to each other. larry telling barry listen, you kept your head in the game, you stuck with it. you overcame all of what you've been trying to beat and stay a part of this organization and make a contribution and it's a wonderful thing. they had a moment there. here's what we saw and afterwards we talked to larry about it. >> as the president of this team, a moment like that has to mean just about everything. >> i can't tell you anybody in sports i have more respect for than him as a person. he -- barry zito had a chance to blame people, to give up, to go after the press, whatever, and all he did was say i've got to get better. and so that means a lot. and he's -- you know, he's just a quality person.
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he does everything in the world to help other people. so you want good things to happen to good people. >> your manager and your general manager know how to push the right buttons and make the right moves. what made the big difference to make this happen again, the second time in three years. >> i think what made the big difference is they were on it and the team was on it and we just knew that there was -- you know, that we have the talent, we had the pitch, we had -- the recipe was there, similar recipe to 2010, different ingredients, but similar recipe, which is strong pitching, very opportunistic hitting and great defense. i think maybe one of the hidden stories of the playoffs was the defense this team played. >> reporter: yeah, pitching and defense and really think about it, with bochy and fabian helping lead a team and build a team of so many diverse parts different from 2010 but with that same spirit. what a scene from detroit last night. a little bit more coming up later. we'll send it back to you in the
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studio. >> that scene will continue as we celebrate here as well. thank you, lawrence. it's 6:22. coming up, someone in the bay area waking up a millionaire. we'll tell you whether the super winning lotto ticket was sold. ♪
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[ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪ ...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious. welcome back, everyone. how's this for a monday morning, a san francisco grocery store just sold the jackpot winning lottery ticket.
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the super lotto plus ticket was bought at best food at the corner of stockton street and broadway in chinatown. it is worth $13 million. what a way to weighing up on a monday morning. the store owner will actually get $60,000 for selling that winning ticket. check your numbers. 5, 14, 36, 38, 47 and the mega number is 18. the winner has 180 days to claim the prize. and until this afternoon to tell me you're my best friend. i want to check the forecast right now. christina has numbers of a different sort. >> indeed. numbers that you will also probably like. can you imagine winning that big jackpot and you're a giants fan this morning? we just don't get much better than this around here. 80 inland, 70 bayside and 69 at the coast. we've got rain just around the corner. we'll time out that storm system to your front door and we're tracking a very powerful hurricane sandy.
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we want to take a look at your drive. there's a lot of fog out there, mike. >> that's right. if you like fog, great day for you as well. if you like backup, here's the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights on, backed into the maze. the approach okay but visibility the concern here. san mateo bridge not the case there. the visibility is just fine westbound across the span and the foster city side. you see the little glow. watch the peninsula fog as well. >> an orange glow because in case you haven't heard, the giants world series champs. all over the bay area they are celebrating this morning. we've got team coverage coming up. plus a live look at the east coast where tens of millions of people are bracing for the arrival of hurricane sandy. forecasters say it could become a superstorm. meteorologist christina loren is joining us with all the details. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents
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fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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hurricane sandy bearing down on the east coast. millions fleeing as she heads
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towards land. this is a live look at virginia beach where people are certainly bracing for that storm. normally we'd be hearing the opening bell right about now, but sandy has also forced the closure of the new york stock exchange. how the storm is bringing life to a standstill on the east and west coast, all coming up in a live report. good monday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. jon kelley is off this morning. >> line drive into center field, and that's a base hit. here comes the throw. not in time! scutaro delivers and the giants lead 4-3 in the 10th. >> and that's the way it would stay. the giants still up celebrating that world series win. it was beautiful. we'll have team coverage coming up. but first our other top story this morning, hurricane sandy.
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tens of millions of people told to evacuate ahead of the impending storm. we've got a live look at times square this morning, possibly the emptiest you will ever see it. new york is expected to get the brunt of the storm. daniel lee is live in cape may, new jersey, with the latest on the evacuation. >> reporter: across the northeast, a rising tide is sending violent waves crashing down on coastal communities. the washington already uncomfortably close to home. >> god knows what can happen. >> reporter: from new york to new jersey, hundreds of thousands have been forced to pack up and get out. public transportation is shut down and thousands of flights cancelled. schools and businesses also on hold today. new jersey governor, chris christie, had stern words for anyone ignoring evacuation orders. >> if something looks like it's stupid to do, it is stupid. >> reporter: a similar tone from new york mayor michael bloomberg. >> you're not only putting yourself at risk, but also the first responders who will have
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to assist you in an emergency. >> reporter: sandy is over 700 miles wide, packing wind and rain that could last 36 hours. homeowners in its path spent sunday boarding up, laying sandbags and gathering last-minute emergency supplies. >> we lucked out with irene. now, i don't know, this may be worse. i don't know. >> reporter: the time to prepare now over, people need to stay inside and hunker down. in cape may, new jersey, i'm daniel lee, nbc news. >> so who will get the brunt of the storm and when will sandy arrive? for that we turn to meteorologist christina loren, tracking it all in our weather center. >> i just want to show you the actual size of this very powerful hurricane sandy. we had a nor'easter merge with the category 1 storm so we have the blue and the pink. we have blizzard warnings in place for parts of west virginia. what's happening is this is a very powerful storm because of its low pressure.
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right now sandy has a low pressure of 946 millibars. that is a measurement of energy. we normally talk about a hurricane making landfall, it comes on shore with about 980, 970 millibars of energy. this has dropped like a rock and so we're expecting a triple whammy in this region. all the main hazards that you normally associate with a strong storm will be severe. storm surge up to 7 to 11 feet. that's why it's so powerful. in addition to that it's the size. it looks like it's going to come onshore as we head through late tonight into early tomorrow morning somewhere along the new jersey shore and then move into new york, making landfall about 125 miles south of new york city. so we're going to keep you updated on this. live coverage throughout the "today" show. right now back to you, laura. >> in fact, christina, hurricane sandy affecting dozens of flights in the bay area this morning and leaving thousands of passengers stranded. marla tellez joins us live at sfo with a look at sandy's
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impact on us right here in the bay area. good morning, marla. >> reporter: laura, good morning. we certainly have met our fair share of passengers who have affected by hurricane sandy, but you know what, they are okay with it as they would rather be safe than sorry. sfo here so far cancelling more than 150 flights. most of those, of course, headed straight to the eastern seaboard. take a look for yourself of the departure cancellations. there are no flights to jfk, baltimore, boston, philadelphia, newark and d.c. all those flights out of sfo have been cancelled. the u.s. national hurricane center says sandy is expected to bring a, quote, light-threatening storm surge affecting as many as 50 million people. one of the passengers we met this morning actually is an emergency responder with fema. he's headed into the eye of the storm. at last check, his flight, believe it or not, to pennsylvania had not been cancelled. >> it's going to be bigger than anything they have ever witnessed. i've been in katrina, rita,
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wilma, this is supposed to be a lot larger. >> reporter: and you're still okay if your flight is a go, you don't mind flying over there? >> no. >> reporter: it's your job? >> it's what i do. >> it was a little up nerving all day yesterday because we didn't know what was happening. and it was right up to the last minute. >> reporter: that woman's flight there was completely cancelled to d.c. president obama has declared emergencies in pennsylvania, massachusetts, rhode island, new york and new jersey. now, you can certainly bet if flights are cancelled here at sfo, they are also cancelled at oakland and san jose. we have called those airports and, yes, their coast-to-coast flights have been cancelled. live at sfo, marla tellez, "today in the bay." 6:35. the air force's 129th rescue wing of the california air national guard is getting ready to deploy to the eastern seaboard. its mission is to help rescue
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people affected by hurricane saent sandy. today two swift water rescue teams and two rescue helicopters are scheduled to leave moffett field, most likely headed to north carolina. >> once the hurricane begins to settle into the east coast, we'll send those forces where need be so the helicopters can go to one location, the guardian angel rescue forces, the swift water rescue forces can go to another. >> reporter: the 129th continues its preparations. it is going to be taking the lead in conducting whatever rescue operations are necessary on the east coast, overseeing all other agencies. it is one of only three rescue outfits of its kind in the entire country. sandy is only one part of the weather story. the bay area bracing for some rain, but we've got it pretty mild here, christina. >> the only thing we don't like is the timing of the expected showers, laura, buzz a lot of
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people are getting their little ones ready for halloween celebrations. it does look like we'll see a little shower activity wednesday and thursday but the good news is most of the action will be in the north bay. down south in san jose to san francisco we should stay mostly dry until late wednesday night. we are tracking some very thick patches of fog, napa all the way down to san francisco. you'll need to travel cautiously, likely using your low beams throughout the morning hours. as we head through 9:00, the fog will be most widespread. highs today work out like this. 80 degrees inland, 70 degrees bayside and 79 degrees at the coast, laura. back over to you. 6:37. still ahead -- >> guys, this is yours! >> this is yours, this is ours to celebrate. the orange and black back on top. the giants once again world series champions. team coverage is coming up. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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good morning. it's 6:40 in the morning. look at this shot out here. the glowing light is alongside the freeway. you can see the few glowing lights northbound starting to build through palo alto. headlights heading north through palo alto, taillights through the embarcadero. the north bay, the volume really builds. heavy fog so lower the speeds and allow extra time for safety
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sake. another look outside and we'll show you san rafael and fremont. 880, a little easier view but the volume picks up here as well as in the south bay 101 at 680. excitement picking up as well. >> 25 unselfish guys. it's amazing what you can do when you play as a team. >> apparently you can win a world series. the giants celebrating their latest championship and getting ready for that ticker tape parade. we've got all the details you need to know coming up. >> how spectacular is that? meanwhile, the u.s. stock markets closed this morning. one-third of all americans live in the path of that superstorm. we'll have complete coverage coming up. ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients
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to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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it's unbelievable. it's something i definitely -- i think this time around, i appreciate it even more because i understand the difficulty of doing it. >> how can you not? twice in three years, the jeegis are once again world series champions. we'll have live team coverage coming up. also new this morning, bay area 911 calls once again being answered locally after a fire at a major dispatch center caused calls to be redirected out of the area. the fire in the chp communications center in vallejo was reported about 10:00 last night. the emergency call center serves nine counties throughout the bay area. for a few hours all incoming 911 calls were directed to sacramento and monterey. there was minimal damage to the building and dispatchers were let back in about 2:00 a.m. no word on what caused that fire. also in the bay area, san jose reached a grim milestone this weekend. another shooting pushed the total number of killings to 39
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so far this year, matching the total for all of 2011. a deadly shooting happened near the intersection of locust and humbolt streets a little before 3:00 this morning. three other shootings, none of them related, left three men injured. two of the other shootings happened near alum rock and north capitol avenue. the location of the third is unknown. this year's homicide rate will likely mark a 16-year high. the tap water on treasure island is safe to drink again. you'll recall a water main broke on friday night. residents were told to boil their water until tests could determine the safety. the san francisco public utilities commission recommends flushing pipes and appliances before using them. richmond city leaders want to hear from you on a proposed soda tax. measure n would charge one cent for every one ounce of sugar sweetened drink sold in the city. richmond's mayor will be at
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tonight's town hall meeting as city council members and nutritionists discuss the issue. the meeting is at 7:tonight. we want to get a look at this week's forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> looking pretty good. you know, this is the time of year in the bay area where we get some of the best weather. and today, yes, we are going to see that rule prevail. temperatures will end up in the low 80s inland, 70s even in san francisco today and at the coast, places like pacifica and half moon bay, you'll max out in the upper 60s. this fog will be a factor, at least until 9:00 a.m. after which time it should start to burn off. we're expecting clearing to take place and then we'll progressively see that continue along the coastline. we do have some thick pockets of fog out there this morning so give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination safety. we've got rain on the way this week so let's talk about that. we're expecting quite a bit of rain, mostly over the course of
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thursday. but you want to keep this in mind as halloween is on wednesday. we stop the clock on your futurecast at 8:00 p.m. and we're going to get a little shower activity north of the golden gate bridge starting at about 8:00 on wednesday. we'll continue to see that trend into thursday and then look at what's headed our way at 3:00 a.m. thursday morning. we have light, moderate, even heavy rain on the way to the bay area and that could make for a slick and dangerous commute. mike and i will be here to guide you through it. right now we're expecting the most rain in the north bay but we could pick up to a quarter inch to half an inch in redwood city and san jose. 77 in fairfield and you'll hit about 70 in san francisco, as our world champion san francisco giants come back today. the sun will shine brightly over them. 78 by tuesday. wednesday into thursday, rainy days. break out that umbrella. but we're going to clear you the out by friday. it looks like the second half of friday you'll see the sun come back out. saturday into sunday the temperatures start to climb and
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the sun comes back out in full force. 6:47. dense fog means a slow drive in parts of the bay area. let's check on that with mike. >> and a late game means slow waking up this morning so we might see a little later build. we are seeing that in the south bay. it's just kicking in for north 101 capital up to tully and then it slows down, getting a break. 680 up to the airport. 87 also slow starting at capital expressway coming into downtown. north 85 really slow that all a almaden expressway. that fog christina talks about, sunol. let's see 680 around the bend and then you disappear into the fog. that's why there's a good slowdown from pleasanton into sunol. coming off the dublin interchange, speeds into the 40s coming down and then a little better through sunol. also slow at the castro valley
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y. 238 northbound and south 880, that build coming out of sanly and row. we end with the bay bridge toll plaza because you have that backup here. back to you. >> as we've been telling you all morning long, the giants are the world series champs. >> got him looking, and the giants have won it all. >> yeah, they finished out the sweep of the tigers last night at detroit's comerica park. we have team coverage of the giants celebration, including details of the upcoming ticker tape parade back here at home. but we start this morning with the morning after in detroit. throughout their world series run, the giants certainly a cohesive unit, quite the team. today in the bay's lawrence scott is live in detroit. he is the only reporter on the field at the ballpark. good morning. >> reporter: hey there. what a tremendous night last night and what a great season all throughout. it was a thrill to bring you all of our giants clubhouse segments, our giants clubhouse tv show here on the broadcast home of the giants, and pu
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punctuated with a world series championship and a great scene in the clubhouse last night. >> spring training after the 2010 world series you said remember to get those four bottles. >> yeah. >> what are you taking here tonight, the same 4 bottles? >> you know what's funny, i have my four bottles and i have them framed up with a picture of me holding the trophy. i didn't save anything this year. i got to experience it and that was a whole lot better. >> you know, the cliche a dream come true but this really is. when you sit back and think about something you dreamed about your whole life actually coming to be the real thing, it's a great feeling. >> this time around i appreciate it even more because i understand the kdifficulty of doing it. >> reporter: all right. it was so tremendous. you know what, the giants only trailed in this world series for two innings until buster posey
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fixed that. the big star shining on the world's biggest stage for baseball. a wonderful night here in detroit. we're so thrilled to bring you all of our coverage and all of the reports and stories with this world championship team. it was just tremendous. we'll send it back to you in the studio. >> all right. you can take a nap before you come back home to celebrate with us. thanks, lawrence. diehard giants fans are waiting for the orange and black to return to at&t. dozens of fans lined up this morning to congratulate the players and welcome home those world champions. that crowd has thinned, though, i understand, bob? >> reporter: yeah, we've got one straggler who's taking a nap back there, not sure he's got the memo that the giants' arrival is not going to happen until the afternoon. a lot of fans showed up early to get their paper with the "giants sweep!" headline on the "chronicle." hoping this would be a repeat of 2010 when the team showed up at
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5:00. we have confirmed with sfo their charter plane is not expected until 3:00 this afternoon, which means giving drive time they probably wouldn't show up here to the ballpark until around 3:30 or 4:00. >> what would you say to the team if they showed up? >> i'm not surprised that they did this at all. >> i'm not sure i could formulate anything good to say other that screaming. >> just how proud we are of them as fans and the city and just so grateful for everything they have done for the whole season and glad that all of our support has led to something really good. that's what i would like to say to them. >> reporter: and boy, when the guy driving the "san francisco chronicle" newspaper truck pulled up a couple of hours ago at the 2nd street gate at at&t park to do his normal dropoff, he was mobbed by about 20 fans who wanted to get their hands on what's going to be a nice little keepsake. the driver says he hasn't seen that much demand for a paper since the earthquake of 1989.
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flashback two years ago, 2010, the ticker tape parade. you might recall that it wound through downtown. well, the mayor's office tells us it's going to be a little different this time. this wednesday, 11:00 is the ticker tape parade celebration for the world champion san francisco giants. it will be going down market street and ending up at the civic center. as i mentioned, not winding through downtown. our best guess is that it will start perhaps around justin herman plaza, maybe in front of the hyatt down there. go down market, head over to the civic center plaza. again, that's an 11:00 a.m. celebration wednesday and we're expecting the giants to arrive on their charter flight into sfo at 3:00 this afternoon. reporting live here at at&t park, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thanks, bob. all bay area sports authority stores are opening early this morning just for giants fans. they were open late last night as well, anticipating that world series win and anticipating a crowd of impatient, yet eager to
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buy fans. the stores actually got their shipments right before it was official the giants won the series. customers quickly snatched up t-shirts, caps, flags, pennants, all boasting the giants as world champions. >> getting a shirt not only for myself, but i've got to get the small one for my kids so tomorrow when they go to school, they can be properly dressed. >> reporter: is that why this could not wait another minute? >> could not wait another minute. had to be out and ready to go and look appropriate for tomorrow. >> a dad's got to do what a dad's got to do. sports authority opens up in just a few minutes at 7:00 a.m. dress well this morning. celebrations lasted into the early morning across most of the bay area, but things did get out of hand in san francisco with fires, injuries, even the s.w.a.t. team eventually called in overnight just to restore order. christie smith has more on the damage from all the celebrations. >> reporter: good morning to you. i think they may have run out of
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champagne near at&t park last night because you can still smell beer this morning, but the streets are wet and that's because department of public work crews have been out here spraying water and cleaning up, but there's still broken glass out here. that transit information sign pushed over after some of the celebrations went too far with people setting small fires after that great world series victory. dumpsters, garbage cans around at&t park to market street, celebrations spread into north beach. a car turned on its side. people on top of buses. police came out in riot helmets to try and control the crowd but that was a really tough thing to do because this crowd was so big. some businesses had their windows broken out. newspaper stands turned over, burned. one cab driver says people turned on him in his cab. >> yeah, he shut it and kicked it onto the side of the -- on to the side of the garbage can,
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threw it on the windshield. >> reporter: here's some video of the damage to his cab. he said three people inside got too rowdy. his windshield blown. one person was detained. we do have calls into san francisco police this morning to try to find out how many people were arrested n san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." and we will have continuing coverage of the giants big win all day here at nbc bay area. don't forget to tune in on wednesday at 11:00 a.m. we'll bring you live coverage of the giants celebration parade. 6:56. meantime the entire northeast coast of the country home to the largest concentration of americans under a storm watch this morning and a big one. scott mcgrew, even the stock markets have shut down. >> that's right. hurricane sandy that big, laura. the markets haven't been shut down in an emergency since the september 11th terrorist attacks. they haven't been shut down due to a storm since ronald reagan was president during hurricane gloria. but they are shut down this
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morning. gloria caused $2 billion in damages worldwide. no trains moving in new york city this morning. 300,000 people have left manhattan. it's possible the markets will remain closed tomorrow as well. now, of all the luck, today was supposed to be the day facebook employees could sell their shares, their lockup ended. back in august the big money got to sell, venture capitalists, early investors. today was supposed to be the little guys' turnpike. as far as the economic impact of sandy, we boent know that for some time. one-third of all americans live in that storm corridor. many of them not going to work. that alone can run into the billions of dollars. back to you. >> certainly affected in many different ways. 6:57. we want to check our own forecast. >> good morning to you. watch out for thick fog that should enclosure around noon today. we'll hit 80 at 4:00 p.m.
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yenland, 70 at the bay and 69 at the coast. you want to stay with us on nbc bay area. our sister station is the weather channel and we have dozen of reporters strategically placed up and down the eastern seaboard, including al roker, so stay tuned for that coverage as we get through the next couple hours. let's check on your drive with mike. >> we're concerned about the coast but also our commute. here the fog and low clouds, the north bay kicking in slow. the peninsula not a whole lot better. it is better but still we do have the fog here and low visibility all down the peninsula. here's palo alto at 101 university and fremont, even comes over toward fremont with low clouds drifting around and slow toward oakland as well. it's 6:58. time for one final check of the day's top stories this morning. they must be giants. g-men beating detroit tigers on the road to become the world champions for the second time in three years. the tigers gave the giants a scare this time, pushing that game to ten innings, but in the end what a beautiful finish.
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giants came out on top. sergio romo striking out miguel cabrera to clinch that title. we are certainly keeping our eye on hurricane sandy. it's strengthening and staying on a predicted path towards washington, baltimore, philadelphia and new york. the storm is on a collision course with two other weather systems, expected to create a superstorm with a potential for havoc over 800 miles from the east coast to the great lakes. flights out of the bay area also affected this morning. call ahead. we'll have continuing coverage on hurricane sandy. up next on the "today" show this morning, matt lauer and savannah guthrie will be live in new york this morning as that storm approaches. meteorologist al roker will be on the coast in news jerz, lester holt will be live in virginia. the "today" show coverage of hurricane sandy starts in just a minute. right now i want to thank you for joining us this morning. i'll be back with a local news update at 7:25 and every half hour after that. have a great day.


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